Photo Canvas

The Art of Canvas

Our gallery-wrapped Photo Canvas combines the look and feel of a museum-style painting with the intricate details of a photograph to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art perfect for hanging anywhere in the home. Printed on artist-style canvas and stretched over a wooden frame made from solid pine, our Canvas offers a unique backdrop to show off the beauty of your photograph.

Get creative

Feature a single photo, create a unique collage or enjoy Picaboo’s signature creative flexibility for a custom display. Add a caption or sentiment to create a personalized Canvas Print.

  • Arrive ready to hang
  • Fade-resistant, UV protected
  • Made in the U.S.


Create your own Canvas theme or get inspired by these ideas:

  • Custom baby display: smiling face, little toes, tiny hands
  • Family portrait
  • Special sports moments
  • Family rules
  • Holiday decor
  • Sibling shots

15 x 10


24 x 16


30 x 20


36 x 24
